maandag 14 januari 2013

Coin mechanism wiring

Take notice the RED wire delivered with the coin mechanism is for 12v. If you use a ATX psu the Yellow wire is for 12v and the red for 5v. I made this mistake when starting right away connecting red to red, won't harm the JPAC since it only got 5volts.

Speaking of 5v. This is what the JPAC expects, and since the coin mechanism operates on 12v you have to make sure to add a zener 5.1v diode or it will damage the JPAC.

This scheme explains how to connect the wires.
(source: ULTIMARC site)

Pin 1 connects to a 12 volt supply. This can be from a JAMMA power supply or a PC disk drive connector (yellow wire).
Pin 2 connects to the J/I-PAC coin 1 input.
Pin 3 connects to GND on the J/I-PAC

So looks like this
ground - zener 5v1 - coin
ground - zener 5v1 - coin

Next update a copy of the CH-923 manual.

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