maandag 18 juli 2011

How it starts

It starts with deciding on what to make. A full scale cabinet, a Bartop (Barcade) or a mini cabinet.
I had some wood already from repairing the house last summer so that could be used again. I decided to go for the mini-cabinet. Looking at the measures i'd more say a midi cabinet because it can be made smaller if you want.

OK, next decission is the style of the cabinet. There are so many nice examples of classics designs and projects with custom designs. The classic Pacman style cabinet is one of my favourites.

this is an example of such cabinet:
The measures are 41cm width and 122cm high.
The wood I had was 244cm this cut into 2 pieces gives the 122cm

41cm is based on the 17" monitor plus some space left for  monitor bezel.

An exact building plan with all measures and a term/verb list will be posted and linked in one of the next updates.

The sawing:

The 244 was cut into 2 pieces and placed on top of eachother tight together by clamps. You really need clamps to get an exact match of the sawing at both sides.

Now it's time to draw the outlines of the cabinet to get the shape ready. To get the upper side smootly drawn i used a lineal with a pencil attached to it. Center the lineal somewhere next to the board and draw the (part of) the circle on the wood. The result is a perfect round corner.

This method is used to draw the angle just above the middle and the part at top of the cabinet with slightly round angles.

After this was done it's sawing time with the Jig Saw.

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