maandag 1 augustus 2011

Some more woodworking

Back from vacation. Time to continue with the project.
The next action planned is preparing the t-molding with the router.
These are videos on youtube that give you a good impression on how to do this.
this one and this one. Some tips I ran into. The router bit was sold out at so I bought it at a woodworking shop. The type of bit you need is a slotting cutter 1/16"

check your router if it's capable to mount the 1/4 or 1/2 inch shank set. Because mine didn't at first. The dutch term for this is "spantang". In europe the standard is in general the 1/2 inch. Most routers will support both but you better be sure or it will give additional costs.

It's real important to screw the bit very tight in the machine. I did not the first two times and the result was a ninja star flying around in the garage and the second time I almost screwed the whole cabinet by damaging the wood that had to be fixed with wood putty.

Another tip: do this outside or your house stinks like hell because of the smoke that comes out of the cabinet if you put the router on it. If you now think what an amateur your absolutely right nothing new here :)

I think this could be a combination of 2 reasons, one I have the router rotation set too high so the wood can't handle the warmth or it is because of the plywood as I'm pretty sure cutting in MDF goes much smoother.

But the result is what counts, here it is.

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